Software development

What is PHP? The PHP Programming Language Meaning Explained

26 mai 2023

PHP supports various forms of meta-programming through mechanisms like the Reflection API and Magic Methods. There are
many Magic Methods available like __get(), __set(), __clone(), __toString(), __invoke(), etc. that allow
developers to hook into class behavior. Ruby developers often php web development say that PHP is lacking method_missing, but it is
available as __call() and __callStatic(). PHP supports first-class functions, meaning that a function can be assigned to a variable. Both user-defined and
built-in functions can be referenced by a variable and invoked dynamically.

Before you learn PHP, it is hugely beneficial to learn HTML first. HTML is taught as part of Code Institute’s Full Stack Development course, to get you well on your way to getting the most out of PHP. Code Institute also offers a free course that teaches the basics of HTML called the 5 Day Coding Challenge. And many other interesting extensions exist, which are categorized both
alphabetically and by category. And there are additional PECL extensions that may or may not be documented
within the PHP manual itself, like » XDebug. For source control and bug tracking you’ll use the same thing as everyone else on the team.

Install PHP via phpbrew

is potentially something PHP should resolve, but is one case where error suppression might seem like the only valid
solution. While there are many other solutions to doing this – depending on if you prefer OOP or
functional programming – there must be some element of separation. This is bad practice for all sorts of reasons, mainly that it’s hard to debug, hard to test, hard to read and it is
going to output a lot of fields if you don’t put a limit on there. Not only did development stop long ago on mysql, but it
has been officially removed in PHP 7.0. There are several benefits to the Database class now depending on an interface rather than a concretion. Dependency Injection allows us to more elegantly solve this problem by only injecting the dependencies we need, when we
need them, without the need for any hard coded dependencies at all.

What tools does PHP use

For example, a Car or Bus class would be interested in a steeringWheel() method, but a Motorcycle or Tricycle
class would not. Conversely, a Motorcycle or Tricycle class would be interested in a handlebars() method, but a
Car or Bus class would not. There is no need to have all of these types of vehicles implement support for both
steeringWheel() as well as handlebars(), so we should break-apart the source interface.

Got a Project in Mind?

They are a natural choice since PHP is actually a
template language itself. That simply means that you can combine PHP code within other code, like HTML. This is
beneficial to PHP developers as there is no new syntax to learn, they know the functions available to them, and their
code editors already have PHP syntax highlighting and auto-completion built-in. Further, plain PHP templates tend to be
very fast as no compiling stage is required. An even bigger benefit to this method is that our code is now much more scalable.

What tools does PHP use

Secondly, the error control operator completely swallows the error. The error is not displayed, and the error is
not sent to the error log. Also, stock/production PHP systems have no way to turn off the error control operator. While
you may be correct that the error you’re seeing is harmless, a different, less harmless error will be just as silent.

All-in-One Installers

All that said, you can always use containers, compile the PHP Source code, etc. The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an
easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either
command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the macOS operating
system. When working in Flash/Flex, i’ve found De Monster Debugger to be extremely handy. Allows you to view your swf files in real time, and you can trace any object, and even call methods of objects. As a language, PHP is still relatively popular among software developers.

This can cause problems for developers looking to enhance their virtual tool chest. This handy guide will bring together popular tools that developers can reference when they need to put their PHP development into overdrive. According to xAI’s research, its prototype Grok-0 model was trained using 33 billion parameters and outperformed the Llama 2 70 billion parameter model in standardized machine learning benchmarking and testing. After some tweaks (and presumably an expanded set of parameters), Grok-1 outperformed OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 (around 175 billion parameters).

User Contributed Notes

Unit Testing is a programming approach to ensure functions, classes and methods are working as expected, from the point
you build them all the way through the development cycle. By checking values going in and out of various functions and
methods, you can make sure the internal logic is working correctly. By using Dependency Injection and building “mock”
classes and stubs you can verify that dependencies are correctly used for even better test coverage. Exceptions are a standard part of most popular programming languages, but they are often overlooked by PHP programmers. The main benefit to using templates is the clear separation they create between the presentation logic and the rest of
your application.

  • A partner like Dev-Hive can help ensure that your application is secure and compliant with the latest security standards.
  • In terms of Dependency Injection, this means loosening our dependencies by controlling and
    instantiating them elsewhere in the system.
  • PHP security tools like the ones below help developers identify vulnerabilities in their code before it’s too late.
  • Generally running your application on different environment in development and production can lead to strange bugs popping up when you go
  • Likewise,
    two PHP classes with the same name may co-exist in separate PHP namespaces.
  • There are times when it can be beneficial to cache individual objects in your code, such as with data that is expensive
    to get or database calls where the result is unlikely to change.

Provisioning the base box is a great way to ensure that
multiple boxes are set up in an identical fashion and removes the need for you to maintain complicated “set up”
command lists. You can also “destroy” your base box and recreate it without many manual steps, making it easy to create
a “fresh” installation. Ansible is a tool that manages your infrastructure through YAML files. It’s simple to get started with and can manage complex and large scale applications. There is an API for managing cloud instances and it can manage them through a dynamic inventory using certain tools.


Recursion, a feature that allows a function to call itself, is supported by the language, but most PHP code
is focused on iteration. The solutions listed above mainly handle PHP itself, and do not supply things like Apache, Nginx or a SQL server. “All-in-one” solutions such as MAMP and XAMPP will install these other bits of software for
you and tie them all together, but ease of setup comes with a trade-off of flexibility. Another option that gives you control over the version of PHP you install, is to compile it yourself. In that case be sure to have installed either Xcode or Apple’s substitute
“Command Line Tools for XCode” downloadable from Apple’s Developer Center. You should try to upgrade to the latest stable version quickly – PHP 7.4 is already End of Life.

What tools does PHP use

Small and medium-sized projects usually,
for simplicity, use only one domain; its name is arbitrary, but we will be using “main” for our code samples. In Symfony projects, for example, domains are used to separate the translation for validation messages. If you decide to go for one of the libraries that provide no extractors, you may want to use the gettext formats, so
you can use the original gettext toolchain (including Poedit) as described in the rest of the chapter. If your PHP script accesses MySQL, there’s a chance your strings could be stored as non-UTF-8 strings in the database
even if you follow all of the precautions above. Explicitly defining the encoding of your strings in every script will save you a lot of headaches down the road.

PHP Tools for Developers of all Levels

That msgid is the same used
throughout all your .po files, meaning other languages will have the same format and the same msgid fields but
translated msgstr lines. As we said in the introduction, different languages might sport different plural rules. When creating a new .po file, you will have to declare the plural rules for that
language, and translated pieces that are plural-sensitive will have a different form for each of those rules. When
calling Gettext in code, you will have to specify the number related to the sentence, and it will work out the correct
form to use – even using string substitution if needed.

Good highlighting, good refactoring, good formatting and indentation. If you want to use beta versions and help the JB team it can be used free almost forever for now. Software Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle. In 2020, Symfony participated in hackathons that produced security improvements for open-source software used by the European Commission. In 2016, a volunteer programmer used Symfony PHP caches to power the campaign website for Emmanuel Macron, who went on to win the presidency of France. This smart, in-store headphone-check digital signage stand uses PHP to allow users to compare and contrast multiple models.

Who uses PHP?

These days, employees expect an easy-to-use digital experience at work — but getting there isn’t always easy, given the presence of legacy systems, limited budgets, and concerns with change, he said. PHP scripts are usually run by a web server, but that doesn’t need to be the case. The client sends an HTTP request to the provider’s service and gets some data in return. All weather forecast services have nice looking, public websites where you can search for your own location, see the daily and weekly forecast and get various information. Many frontend apps use the JSON format to communicate with the backend server. But the most used language by far is PHP, because it has been specifically created for such task.

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