IT Education

asp net mvc Difference between MVC and Entity framework

27 octobre 2022

Detaching entities can resolve issues where EF Core is tracking multiple instances of an entity. Utilizing these methods allows for robust data management within an ASP.NET Core application. For more complex queries, use LINQ to filter, order, and project data as needed. Starting a new project with Entity Framework Core begins with creating an ASP.NET Core web application. Utilize the .NET Core CLI or Visual Studio to scaffold a new project.

But Entity Framework can do all of the above automatically for us if we provide the necessary database schema to the Entity Framework. Let us understand this step by step advantages of entity framework how to achieve the same using Entity Framework. We want to display the data from both tables (Departments and Employees) in a console application as shown below.

How To Create ASP.NET Core MVC Application?

Correctly configuring the DbContext ensures your application can effectively interact with the database. The AppDbContext class above declares DbSet Properties for Product and Category, which correspond to tables in the database. The DbContext in Entity Framework Core acts as a session with the database, allowing for querying and saving instances of your entities. The Fluent API provides more control over the EF model configuration, allowing for precise mapping of relationships. In Entity Framework Core, models are C# classes that represent the data you will be working with. These commands add the core EF libraries and the SQL Server provider to your project.

Entity Framework Core maps this C# class to our People table via conventions. With our context created, we can execute database commands like queries, inserts, and deletions. The tools package allows us to execute commands that help us structure our solution and alter our database. Some of the commands we’ll be running in this video include dbcontext scaffold, migration add, and database update. These commands will allow us to create and execute a database migration that adds a People table, which will be accessible with our Person class. ORM automatically creates classes based on the database table and vice versa is also true.

Difference between MVC and Entity framework [closed]

With the project created and EF Core integrated, you’re prepared to start developing your application’s core functionality. After setting up your models and DbContext, you can then configure the Dependency Injection container to use your DbContext with the connection string defined earlier. Configuration can be done using Data Annotations or the Fluent API. At the end, you have an MVC app that can consume a database directly through entity framework. We will write a series of articles for Entity Framework with various approaches, such as code-first or database-first.

what is entity framework in mvc

Once you click on the Next button, it will open Choose Your Database Objects as shown below. From the below window, select the “Departments” and “Employees” tables. Change the Model Namespace to “EmployeeModel” and click on the “Finish” button as shown in the below image. Once you click on the Next button, it will open a popup asking you to choose the Entity Framework version as shown below. From this window, select Entity Framework 6.x and click on the Next button as shown in the below image.

Creating A New Project With Entity Framework

Entity Framework (EF) is an object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects. It eliminates the need for most of the data-access code that developers usually need to write. The above commands generate SQL to create new tables corresponding to your models and apply them to the database. Then we need to select the database object for our application. As our database has one table, so we need to select that Employee Table. Provide a meaningful namespace to your EDMX file and finally click on the Finish button as shown in the below image.

what is entity framework in mvc

I chose the ASP.NET Core Web App(Model-View-Controller) Template, as shown in the following image. ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework developed by Microsoft for building modern, cloud-based, and scalable web applications. Lazy Loading is a pattern where related data is automatically loaded from the database when the navigation property is accessed. If you encounter Performance Issues, use profiling tools to analyze queries.

what is entity framework in mvc

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