
Remote hiring: Frequently Asked Questions and Tips Workable

23 juin 2023

Put your phone on silent and be present and focused at all times during the interview. If you need to reschedule, give as much notice as possible and avoid last-minute cancellations. You wouldn’t cancel a face-to-face interview while a candidate was sitting in your office waiting room, so don’t do so remotely, either. Keep candidates well-informed with information on who they will meet in the remote interview, what platform will be used, how long the interview will take, and more.

  • Leslie’s answer shows that she gets how different communication platforms can serve her in different ways.
  • That means you need to be an absolute pro at managing your time, prioritizing tasks, and communicating with your boss and coworkers.
  • Virtual interviews can assess critical soft skills that help candidates thrive.
  • To convince your future boss that you are cut out for remote work, you need to understand exactly WHAT habits and characteristics make you qualified.
  • And if you have roommates or children, let them know that you’re not to get disturbed during this time.
  • A few of my clients have even indicated that this control helps them perform at their best because they feel more comfortable and confident interviewing in the location of their choice.

An interesting aspect to take into account is the role you’re hiring for. If you’re looking for tech employees, the way they use the video technology could be part of the evaluation. Likewise, if you’re hiring for customer-facing roles, you’re probably measuring for ease of speech and good self-presentation. A hiring freeze – whether it’s due to a global crisis like COVID-19 or internal company processes – is an uncomfortable situation. Since you can rarely say for sure when the hiring process will start again, it’s best to be honest about it and show empathy towards candidates.

Educate yourself about remote interviewing ‘etiquette’

With everything and everyone so connected today thanks to the internet, companies are finding that they are no longer confined to their local pool of talent. Using video call applications like Skype or Google Hangouts, HR managers can interview and screen candidates worldwide. Communication is essential for teams to succeed with remote workers. Hearing about a failure shows the steps they took to fix something when it went wrong.

Military life is a tough job for the whole family – Federal News Network

Military life is a tough job for the whole family.

Posted: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 20:15:44 GMT [source]

This mega guide on remote work has guidance on getting started working remotely, from finding a job to setting up your workspace. Hope Weatherford, Head of Talent Attraction at InVision, highlights the importance of a strong communication path and multiple check-ins throughout the hiring process. For example, founder and CEO at SmartBug Media, Ryan Malone, notes that it’s important to measure candidates’ resilience as well as their ability and willingness to work remotely.

How to Say ‘No’ to a Candidate

I’ve noticed some candidates approach virtual interviewing more casually than they would an in-person interview. This is so the interviewing process is continually moving forward – the last thing you or the candidate wants is for anything to cause the hiring process to stall. Job hunting is stressful enough without introducing unnecessary delays into the equation. You could even preempt potential questions that they might ask and if they don’t ask them, you could pass on the information anyway. The more you can find out about one another, the easier the remote interview will be. Give them background introductions, tell them about your company culture, what values you hold.

Expect this type of remote interview to become very common as the technology improves. A simpler version of the remote interview can be conducted by telephone. How you prepare the guest will depend on the their level of experience.

How to Interview For Remote Candidates

This establishes both locations and provides comfortable transitions between them. It takes a mixture of empathy, good communication skills, and strong boundaries to convey bad news. Most of us have been on the side of being rejected from a position. Even if it’s one that you didn’t remote interview meaning really want, not getting a job can feel like a swift kick in the gut–I mean, our livelihood literally depends on having a gig of some sort. Being empathetic to an applicant is necessary for that very reason, but delivering the news with strong boundaries is just as important.

For candidates, virtual interviews can offer a better experience. Most job candidates don’t miss having to figure out transportation to a potentially unfamiliar location. A few of my clients have even indicated that this control helps them perform at their best because they feel more comfortable and confident interviewing in the location of their choice.

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